Jonna Bock Leineweber

Phone: +45 22 66 10 08

E-mail: jbl@tech-solutions.dk

Ulrik Plenge Jacobsen

Marine Engineer / Technical Director

Phone: +45 31 32 78 75

E-mail: upj@tech-solutions.dk

Claus R. Pedersen

Special service & engineering

E-mail: solutions@tech-solutions.dk 

Caroline Plenge Jacobsen

Marketing Assistent

E-mail: delemail@tech-solutions.dk 

More than 40 years of combined experience and knowledge  

TECH-SOLUTIONS expertise is broadly technically based, and the experience extends to much more than just sourcing of components, and also to mastering complete turnkey solutions.

As a company, we have our 10-year anniversary in 2020. Through the years, we have worked with technical solutions for the industry in many countries.  

We work in partnerships where everyone knows the meaning of excellent service and sterling quality.

Due diligence will always be the focus of the entire team.